Young Cooks Club

Admissions and Fees Policy

Young Cooks Club provides cookery classes for a maximum of 8 children between the ages of 8 and 11, currently primarily serving the children of Downs Junior School.

Places are offered on a first-come first-served basis. When all places have been filled, a waiting list will be established.


When an enquiry regarding places is made, parents or carers will be given all the relevant Club information, including:

If a place is available, the parents must complete the registration form and once that has been received the child will be invited to join the club.

If no places are available the parent will be informed and the child�s name added to the waiting list. As soon as suitable places become available parents will be informed.

Fee structure

        Fees are payable half-termly in advance.

Non or Late Payment of fees

       If fees are not paid, the Club will write to the parent or carer, requesting payment.

        Where there is no explanation for repeated late payment, the Club reserves the right to cancel the child�s place.







This policy was adopted by Young Cooks Club

Date: 08.01.19

To be reviewed: 08.01.20


Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2017): Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Information and records [3.68-3.75]